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South Oso Parkway

South Staples to South Oso Parkway


The project scope encompasses the construction of South Oso Parkway from South Staples Street to South Oso Parkway, with a 2-lane roadway with new asphalt pavement, demolition of existing infrastructures, installation of curb and gutter, sidewalks, speed humps, ADA compliant curb ramps, signage, pavement markings, illumination, storm sewer improvements, water line adjustments, and gas line adjustments with the addition of a paved parking lot for the botanical gardens.

nProject Updates

June 7, 2023:
The South Oso Parkway project is substantially complete. The contractor is working to finish the final sign installation this month.

March 3, 2023:
The contractor has completed placing the first 5 inches of asphalt and will lay the additional hot mix in the coming weeks. The project is anticipated to be done in April 2023.

November 21, 2022:
The contractor has completed the new Oso Creek outfall and installed 90% of the stormwater drainage pipe. The contractor has lime treated a portion of the new roadway and will begin testing this section next week.

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Public Information Officer, Chloe Swan Rybalka | 361-826-3528 |

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